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src Directory Reference



file  sh.hpp [code]
 The main Sh include file. You should only have to include this file to use Sh.
file  ShAlgebra.cpp [code]
file  ShAlgebra.hpp [code]
file  ShArray.hpp [code]
file  ShAttrib.cpp [code]
file  ShAttrib.hpp [code]
file  ShAttribImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShBackend.cpp [code]
file  ShBackend.hpp [code]
file  ShBaseTexture.cpp [code]
file  ShBaseTexture.hpp [code]
file  ShBaseTextureImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShBasicBlock.cpp [code]
file  ShBasicBlock.hpp [code]
file  ShBitSet.cpp [code]
file  ShBitSet.hpp [code]
file  ShBlock.cpp [code]
file  ShBlock.hpp [code]
file  ShCastManager.cpp [code]
file  ShCastManager.hpp [code]
file  ShChannel.hpp [code]
file  ShChannelImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShChannelNode.cpp [code]
file  ShChannelNode.hpp [code]
file  ShClamping.hpp [code]
file  ShColor.cpp [code]
file  ShColor.hpp [code]
file  ShColorImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShConcreteCTypeOp.cpp [code]
file  ShConcreteCTypeOpImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShConcreteIntervalOpImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShConcreteRegularOpImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShConstProp.cpp [code]
file  ShContext.cpp [code]
file  ShContext.hpp [code]
file  ShCtrlGraph.cpp [code]
file  ShCtrlGraph.hpp [code]
file  ShDataType.cpp [code]
file  ShDataType.hpp [code]
 Defines the host computation and memory storage c++ types associated with each Sh value type.
file  ShDataTypeImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShDebug.hpp [code]
file  ShDllExport.hpp [code]
file  ShDomTree.cpp [code]
file  ShDomTree.hpp [code]
file  ShEnvironment.cpp [code]
file  ShEnvironment.hpp [code]
file  ShError.cpp [code]
file  ShError.hpp [code]
file  ShEval.cpp [code]
file  ShEval.hpp [code]
file  ShEvalImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShEvaluate.cpp [code]
file  ShEvaluate.hpp [code]
file  ShException.cpp [code]
file  ShException.hpp [code]
file  ShFixedManipulator.cpp [code]
file  ShFixedManipulator.hpp [code]
file  ShFraction.hpp [code]
file  ShFractionImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShGeneric.cpp [code]
file  ShGeneric.hpp [code]
file  ShGenericImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShGraph.hpp [code]
file  ShGraphImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShHalf.hpp [code]
file  ShHalfImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShHashMap.hpp [code]
 A wrapper around hash_map that behaves properly under both GNU libstdc++ and Microsoft's VS .NET libraries.
file  ShImage.cpp [code]
file  ShImage.hpp [code]
file  ShImage3D.cpp [code]
file  ShImage3D.hpp [code]
file  ShInstructions.cpp [code]
file  ShInstructions.hpp [code]
file  ShInternals.cpp [code]
file  ShInternals.hpp [code]
file  ShInterp.hpp [code]
file  ShInterval.hpp [code]
file  ShIntervalConverter.cpp [code]
file  ShIntervalImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLib.hpp [code]
file  ShLibArith.hpp [code]
file  ShLibArithImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibAttrib.hpp [code]
file  ShLibBoolean.hpp [code]
file  ShLibBooleanImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibClamp.hpp [code]
file  ShLibClampImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibColor.hpp [code]
file  ShLibDeriv.hpp [code]
file  ShLibDerivImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibGeometry.hpp [code]
file  ShLibGeometryImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibInterval.hpp [code]
file  ShLibIntervalImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibMatrix.hpp [code]
file  ShLibMatrixImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibMisc.hpp [code]
file  ShLibMiscImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibNormal.hpp [code]
file  ShLibPoint.hpp [code]
file  ShLibPosition.hpp [code]
file  ShLibTexCoord.hpp [code]
file  ShLibTrig.hpp [code]
file  ShLibTrigImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShLibVector.hpp [code]
file  ShLinearAllocator.cpp [code]
file  ShLinearAllocator.hpp [code]
file  ShManipulator.cpp [code]
file  ShManipulator.hpp [code]
file  ShManipulatorImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShMath.hpp [code]
 Some C99 math functions that windows/apple don't have.
file  ShMatrix.hpp [code]
file  ShMatrixImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShMemory.cpp [code]
file  ShMemory.hpp [code]
file  ShMemoryDep.hpp [code]
file  ShMeta.hpp [code]
file  ShMetaForwarder.cpp [code]
file  ShMetaForwarder.hpp [code]
file  ShMetaImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShNibbles.hpp [code]
 A set of nibbles that are functions that return ShPrograms for basic operations.
file  ShNibblesImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShNormal.cpp [code]
file  ShNormal.hpp [code]
file  ShNormalImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShOperation.cpp [code]
file  ShOperation.hpp [code]
file  ShOptimizations.cpp [code]
file  ShOptimizations.hpp [code]
file  ShPalette.hpp [code]
file  ShPaletteImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShPaletteNode.cpp [code]
file  ShPaletteNode.hpp [code]
file  ShParser.cpp [code]
file  ShParser.hpp [code]
file  ShPoint.cpp [code]
file  ShPoint.hpp [code]
file  ShPointImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShPool.cpp [code]
file  ShPool.hpp [code]
file  ShPosition.cpp [code]
file  ShPosition.hpp [code]
file  ShPositionImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShProgram.cpp [code]
file  ShProgram.hpp [code]
file  ShProgramNode.cpp [code]
file  ShProgramNode.hpp [code]
file  ShQuaternion.hpp [code]
file  ShQuaternionImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShRefCount.hpp [code]
file  ShRefCountImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShStatement.cpp [code]
file  ShStatement.hpp [code]
file  ShStorageType.cpp [code]
file  ShStorageType.hpp [code]
file  ShStorageTypeImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShStream.cpp [code]
file  ShStream.hpp [code]
file  ShStreamImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShStructural.cpp [code]
file  ShStructural.hpp [code]
file  ShSwizzle.cpp [code]
file  ShSwizzle.hpp [code]
file  ShSwizzleImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShSyntax.cpp [code]
file  ShSyntax.hpp [code]
 Sh syntactical definitions.
file  ShTable.hpp [code]
file  ShTexCoord.cpp [code]
file  ShTexCoord.hpp [code]
file  ShTexCoordImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShTexture.hpp [code]
file  ShTextureNode.cpp [code]
file  ShTextureNode.hpp [code]
file  ShToken.cpp [code]
file  ShToken.hpp [code]
file  ShTokenizer.cpp [code]
file  ShTokenizer.hpp [code]
file  ShTransformer.cpp [code]
file  ShTransformer.hpp [code]
file  ShTypeConvertTransformer.cpp [code]
file  ShTypeInfo.cpp [code]
file  ShTypeInfo.hpp [code]
file  ShTypeInfoCasts.cpp [code]
file  ShTypeInfoImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShTypeInfoOps.cpp [code]
file  ShUtility.cpp [code]
file  ShUtility.hpp [code]
file  ShValueTracking.cpp [code]
file  ShVariable.cpp [code]
file  ShVariable.hpp [code]
file  ShVariableNode.cpp [code]
file  ShVariableNode.hpp [code]
file  ShVariableType.cpp [code]
file  ShVariableType.hpp [code]
 Lists the binding, semantic, and Value types available in Sh and their associated C++ data types for host computation and holding in memory.
file  ShVariant.cpp [code]
file  ShVariant.hpp [code]
file  ShVariantCast.hpp [code]
 Declares a cast between one data type of a storage type and another.
file  ShVariantCastImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShVariantFactory.hpp [code]
file  ShVariantFactoryImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShVariantImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShVector.cpp [code]
file  ShVector.hpp [code]
file  ShVectorImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShWrap.hpp [code]

Generated on Mon Jan 24 18:38:00 2005 for Sh by  doxygen 1.4.1