SH::__ShIntervalStorageType< T > | Returns an interval value type corresponding to a type, or SH_VALUETYPE_NONE if no such type is defined; |
SH::__ShRegularValueType< V > | Returns the regular value type corresponding to a special templated value type (interval or affine) so far |
SH::__ShStorageTypeName< T > | Mapping from Storage Type to a name |
SH::__ShValueToStorageType< V > | Mappings from value type to storage type and back |
shgl::ArbInst | An ARB instruction |
shgl::ArbOpInfo | Information about the operations from ArbOp |
shgl::ArbReg | An ARB register |
SH::MatchTemplateType< T, B > | Returns true if T matches a given templated type |
SH::MatchType< T1, T2 > | MatchType::matches = (T1 == T2) |
SH::SelectType< true, T1, T2 > | SelectType::type == B ? T1 : T2 |
SH::ShAlgebraException | An exception relating to an ShAlgebra operation |
SH::ShArray1D< T > | One-dimensional array |
SH::ShArray2D< T > | Two-dimensional square power-of-two array |
SH::ShArray3D< T > | Three-dimensional array |
SH::ShArrayCube< T > | Cube array |
SH::ShArrayRect< T > | Two-dimensional non-square array |
SH::ShArrayTraits | Default traits for ShArray |
SH::ShAttrib< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | A generic attribute (or parameter) holding N values |
SH::ShBackendException | An exception relating to an ShBackend operation |
SH::ShBaseTexture1D< T > | Base type for 1D Textures |
SH::ShBaseTexture2D< T > | Base type for 2D Textures |
SH::ShBaseTexture3D< T > | Base type for 3D Textures |
SH::ShBaseTextureCube< T > | Base type for Cube Textures |
SH::ShBaseTextureRect< T > | Base type for Rectangular Textures |
SH::ShBasicBlock | A basic block |
SH::ShBitSet | A bitset |
SH::ShBlock | A generic block or token |
SH::ShBlockList | A list of generic blocks |
SH::ShChannel< T > | The client interface to a single-channel typed data stream |
SH::ShClamped< T > | Set Clamp trait in Texture type |
SH::ShColor< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | An n-color |
SH::ShCommonType3< T1, T2 > | Provides a least common ancestor in the automatic promotion tree for use in immediate mode |
SH::ShCompileTimeChecker< B > | Check a boolean condition at compile time |
SH::ShConcreteCTypeOp< S, T > | EvalOp that uses cmath functions and |
SH::ShCtrlGraph | A control-flow graph |
SH::ShCtrlGraphNode | A node in the control graph |
SH::ShDataTypeConstant< T, DT > | Sets the constant values for a given data type |
SH::ShDataTypeCppType< T, SH_HOST > | Sets the actual host computation and memory data types for a given Value type |
SH::ShDataVariantCast< Dest, DestDT, Src, SrcDT > | Handles casting between S and D storage types |
SH::ShDomTree | A dominator tree in a flowgraph |
SH::ShEnvironment | Global settings for the current program |
SH::ShEvalOpInfo | Note: Everything here is meant for internal use |
SH::ShException | A generic exception |
SH::ShFilteredTextureTraits | Trait class to represent texture filtering modes |
SH::ShFixedManipulatorNode | A ShFixedManipulator is a ShProgram output manipulator |
SH::ShFraction< T > | This param does not exist any more because the default param broke some stuff like ShIsFraction in ShStorageType.hpp under VC.NET, and I don't have time to fix it right now |
SH::ShFractionLongType< T > | Determines the computation used for intermediate values This means that the maximum fractiona type T supported has half as many bits as the largets integer type supported in hardware |
SH::ShGeneric< N, T > | A variable of length N |
SH::ShGraphDefaultDumper< G > | Does a graphviz dump of the graph |
SH::ShHostMemory | An ShMemory initially originating in CPU host memory |
SH::ShHostStorage | An ShStorage representing data stored on the CPU host memory |
SH::ShImage | An image, consisting of a rectangle of floating-point elements |
SH::ShImage3D | A 3D image |
SH::ShImageException | An exception relating to an ShImage operation |
SH::ShInterp< L, T > | Set Interpolation level in Texture type |
SH::ShIntervalOp< S, T1, T2 > | A ShIntervalOP is one where one argument is an interval type, and the other argument must be its corresponding bound type |
SH::ShInvalidStorageType | A special C++ type used to represent an invalid storage type |
SH::ShIsFraction< T > | Returns whether a type is an interval type |
SH::ShIsInterval< T > | Returns whether a type is an interval type |
SH::ShLinearAllocator | A simple, basic-block based linear register allocator |
SH::ShManipulator< T > | A ShManipulator is a ShProgram output manipulator. This kind of manipulator permutes the outputs of a ShProgram based on given integer indices |
SH::ShMatrix< Rows, Cols, Binding, T > | A matrix of Rows by Cols elements |
SH::ShMatrixRows< Rows, Cols, T > | A few rows from a matrix |
SH::ShMemory | A memory object |
SH::ShMemoryDep | A dependency between a memory object and a specific type |
ShUtil::ShMesh< M > | ShMesh class stores a mesh using a half-edge data structure |
ShUtil::ShNoise< M, T, P > | A Perlin noise/turbulence generator. M = dimensions of the result (1 <= M <= 4 currently) P = period of the noise texture |
SH::ShNormal< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | An n-normal |
SH::ShOperationInfo | Information related to a specific operation |
SH::ShOptimizerException | An exception relating to an ShOptimizer operation |
SH::ShPairHash< Key1, Key2, Hash1, Hash2 > | Some useful stuff |
SH::ShParseException | An exception representing a parse error |
SH::ShParser | Recursive-descent parser for control structures |
SH::ShPoint< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | An n-point |
SH::ShPointer< T > | A reference-counting smart pointer |
SH::ShPosition< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | A vertex or fragment position |
SH::ShProgram< T > | Thin wrapper around ShProgramNode |
SH::ShProgramNode | A particular Sh program |
SH::ShQuaternion< B, T > | A Quaternion |
SH::ShRefCountable | A class which can be reference-counted |
SH::ShRegularOp< S, T > | A ShRegularOp is one where all the arguments and the destination are variants of type V (data type SH_HOST) |
SH::ShScopeException | An exception representing a scoping violation |
SH::ShStatement | A single statement |
SH::ShStatementInfo | Dummy class representing additional information that can be stored in statements |
SH::ShStorage | A Storage object Storage represents actual, physical storage of some memory's contents |
SH::ShStorageTypeInfo< T > | Holds much of the above information in one place |
SH::ShStream | Dynamic list of channels |
SH::ShSwizzle | Represents swizzling of a variable |
SH::ShSwizzleException | Thrown when an invalid swizzle is specified (e.g |
SH::ShTexCoord< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | A texture coordinate |
SH::ShTexture1D< T > | One-dimensional power-of-two texture type |
SH::ShTexture2D< T > | Two-dimensional square power-of-two texture type |
SH::ShTexture3D< T > | Three-dimensional texture type |
SH::ShTextureCube< T > | Cubic texture type |
SH::ShTextureRect< T > | Two-dimensional rectangular texture type |
SH::ShTextureTraits | Texture traits |
SH::ShToken | A token in the (unparsed) parse tree |
SH::ShTokenArgument | A token argument, e.g. to SH_IF or SH_FOR |
SH::ShTokenizer | A tokenizer |
SH::ShTokenizerException | An exception indicating a tokenizer error |
SH::ShTransfer | A Storage Transfer function |
SH::ShTransformer | Program transformer |
SH::ShTransformerException | An exception relating to an ShTransformer operation |
SH::ShTypeInfo | A holder of information about a data type and how to allocate it |
SH::ShUnclamped< T > | Reset Clamp trait in Texture type |
SH::ShValueTypeInfo< V > | Subclass of ShStorageTypeInfo so we can lookup the same things with a ShValueType |
SH::ShVariable | A reference and interface to a generic n-tuple variable |
SH::ShVariableNode | A generic n-tuple variable |
SH::ShVariant | An ShVariant is a wrapper around a fixed-size array of data of a data type |
SH::ShVector< N, Binding, T, Swizzled > | A (geometric) n-vector |
SH::ShWrapClamp< T > | Set WrapClamp trait in Texture type |
SH::ShWrapClampToEdge< T > | Set WrapClampToEdge trait in Texture type |
SH::ShWrapRepeat< T > | Set WrapRepeat trait in Texture type |
SH::storage_trait< T > | A type trait class that determines storage type used for T in a ShManipulator. There must be an automatic conversion from T to StorageType or an applicable copy constructor. The storage type also must be responsible for its own memory management as the code often uses shallow copies of ranges/range vectors |
SH::TemplateParameterType< B< T >, B > | Takes a templated type and returns its template parameter |