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util Directory Reference



file  ShFunc.hpp [code]
 Miscellaneous small Sh utility functions.
file  ShFuncImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShKernelLib.cpp [code]
file  ShKernelLib.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of useful kernels and nibbles (simple kernels).
file  ShKernelLibImpl.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of useful kernels and nibbles (simple kernels).
file  ShKernelLight.hpp [code]
 A set of light shaders Light shaders can use any of the vertex shader outputs from ShKerneLib::vsh and must output one irrad representing the irradiance at a surface of type T (probably ShColor3f).
file  ShKernelLightImpl.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of useful kernels and nibbles (simple kernels).
file  ShKernelPost.hpp [code]
 These are postprocessing kernels.
file  ShKernelPostImpl.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of useful postprocessing kernels.
file  ShKernelSurface.hpp [code]
 These are the surface shader kernels.
file  ShKernelSurfaceImpl.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of useful surface kernels.
file  ShKernelSurfMap.cpp [code]
file  ShKernelSurfMap.hpp [code]
file  ShMesh.hpp [code]
 A basic mesh structure based on half-edges.
file  ShMeshImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShNoise.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of Perlin noise.
file  ShNoiseImpl.hpp [code]
file  ShObjMesh.cpp [code]
file  ShObjMesh.hpp [code]
file  shutil.hpp [code]
 The include file for extra Sh utilities.
file  ShWorley.hpp [code]
 This is an implementation of 2D ShWorley texture.
file  ShWorleyImpl.hpp [code]

Generated on Mon Jan 24 18:38:00 2005 for Sh by  doxygen 1.4.1