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Todo List

Class SH::ShChannel< T >
copy constructor, operator=(), etc.

Class SH::ShFraction< T >

Class SH::ShMemory
Maybe keep a length field (in bytes)?

Member SH::ShPointer::operator bool () const
Maybe use boost's unspecified-bool-type trick

Member SH::ShStorage::sync ()
Maybe make this const... after all, we need to do this on a read!

Member SH::ShTransfer::cost ()=0
Perhaps this needs more information, e.g. size of the storages.

Member SH::ShVariable::loadVariant (ShVariant *&result) const
type figure out a cleaner way)

Member SH::ShVariant::encodeArray () const =0
type may want to put this somewhere else, it doesn't really belong

Member SH::shIsFloat (ShValueType value_type)
range - these should check for user defined value types later and return false.

Member SH::operator+ (const ShGeneric< N, T1 > &left, const ShGeneric< N, T2 > &right)
scalar promotion.

Member SH::operator- (const ShGeneric< N, T1 > &left, const ShGeneric< N, T2 > &right)
scalar promotion.

Member SH::pow (const ShGeneric< N, T1 > &left, const ShGeneric< N, T2 > &right)
scalar promotion.

Group lib_geometry
distance, sqdistance, length, rlength, rsqlength, sqlength, perp, perpdot, projnorm should be implemented too. Different distance functions also possible: L1, L2, Linf.

Group lib_trig
tan, atan, atan2, hyperbolic functions, secant, cosecant, etc.

Generated on Mon Jan 24 18:37:59 2005 for Sh by  doxygen 1.4.1