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Intermediate-representation instructions

You probably don't ever need to call any of these. More...


SH_DLLEXPORT void shASN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shADD (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shMUL (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shDIV (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSLT (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSLE (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSGT (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSGE (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSEQ (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSNE (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shABS (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shACOS (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shASIN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shATAN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shATAN2 (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shCBRT (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shCEIL (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shCOS (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
void shCMUL (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shCSUM (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shDOT (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
void shDX (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
void shDY (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shEXP (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shEXP2 (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shEXP10 (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shFLR (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shFRAC (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shLOG (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shLOG2 (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shLOG10 (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shLRP (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &alpha, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shMAD (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b, const ShVariable &c)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shMAX (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shMIN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shMOD (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shPOW (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shRCP (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shRND (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shRSQ (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSGN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSIN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shSQRT (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shTAN (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shNORM (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a)
void shXPD (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
SH_DLLEXPORT void shCOND (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &cond, const ShVariable &a, const ShVariable &b)
void shLO (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shHI (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shSETLO (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shSETHI (ShVariable &dest, const ShVariable &src)
void shKIL (const ShVariable &a)

Detailed Description

You probably don't ever need to call any of these.

They are mostly used internally. Instead, use the library functions provided by ShLib.hpp.

Generated on Mon Jan 24 18:37:59 2005 for Sh by  doxygen 1.4.1